Spin Doctor is a great mix of puzzle and action, strategy and coordination. I am hooked!
Spin Doctor is a great mix of puzzle and action, strategy and coordination. I am hooked!
The game has a gradual learning curve which lets you get used to the controls before it gets hard. You are a swinging glowing bar, and you can move by continually rotating, swinging from dot to dot, by anchoring onto dots on the screen, and switching direction from clockwise to counterclockwise when needed. It takes a few minutes to get used to planning your moves, but youll be doing controlled swinging with a bit of practice. Each level is a puzzle where you try to swing safely to the goal without colliding into any enemies. There are plenty of surprise items that appear in later levels. Im hooked trying to finish all 106 levels. It is a quick-thinking interactive and responsive game with some frantic puzzle solving, and its unlike any other games Ive tried for the iPhone. Fun!
different than anything i have played... so many levels means never bored!
Used to play this all the time as a kid, its a great game. However, every time I hit options it crashes and I cant figure out how to replay levels. As of now it has no replay value to try to get all bonus points, even on different difficulties.
Terrible, it lags and skips so you cant swing to the next dot if theres not update this game is a piece.
Grainy and stuttery on iPhone 4S.
A bit of visual distraction could be more contrasted. Good old game. Playing it now on the iPhone is less fun than on a good old Mac.
I have loved this game since it came out on the macintosh and I have loved it ever since. Thank you for porting this to iOS! The game needs some iOS 7 look and iPhone 5 support. Please consider this. I know its been 3 years since the last update, but I hope you update it in the future!!!
昔、このゲームで遊んでいました。 操作性がとても良く面白いです! もし、このゲームを知っている人がいたら、期待を裏切らないと思います。 これが¥115ならお得でしょう! しかしOptionsをタップするとアプリが終了してしまうので、そこを改善して頂きたい。 When I tap "Options" app is down. Please improve their. Use with iOS4.2 iPhone4.
たまたま見掛けて面白そうだったので購入。 その場でフラフラ揺れてタイミングを計ったり、通常移動と左右同時押しの逆振り移動を使い分けたり 攻略が面白い(不器用なので時間ボーナスは無視w)。 ただ他の方のレビューにもある様に、オプションを選ぶと落ちてしまうのが残念。 Tap Option, App down.Fix please. iOS4.3.3 iPnone3GS
If you liked this game on mac os, get it. Please update the icon to retina.
Please add retina and redesign icon for retina!!!
It took me a few tries to get the hang of maneuvering the wand across the screen but once I got started I couldnt stop. I was playing until my eyes burned! A really, really fun game!
Now I have something to do at work all day. This game is powerfully addictive and definitely not something that will take me just 2 hours to complete. Totally worth the price!!
Totally challenging - totally addictive. I am thrilled to find it for the iPhone. So worth it!
I played this game in the 90s on my mac and there hasnt been a game like it since. Im glad this has been recreated for my iPod because the control scheme is genius and has lots of good levels
This is not only a highly entertaining game, but it is very addictive. Once you start, its hard to put it down. Its a game of strategy, daring and calculation. My MENSA friends and colleagues will enjoy this game. Its designed for the genius mind!
Great game to play! Completely worth buying. Took me a little practice but am loving it. Definitely an awesome find and better than 98% of the games Ive tried. A must try/buy!
I used to play spin doctor in the 90s in middle school and never forgot how great it was. So happy to see its been ported to the iPhone. Awesome gameplay, intuitive control layout, very addictive.
I used to play this game on my dads computer when I was in grade school. This iPhone version is just a awesome as I remember it. Very addicting and fun! I highly recommend it.