I loved the original Spin Doctor on my old PowerBook 190. Alongside Super Maze Wars, Spin Doctor was the result of many hopelessly lost hours in thought-and-survival-instincts-provoking bliss. So, its definitely a great game, and well done on the iPhone…. BUT why the game isnt retina display ready is a dumbfounding mystery. I mean, for Spin Doctor to be released in a day when HD retina displays are the current hardware, there is no excuse for -any- new app to be distributed "derezzed" in this unsightly, uncouth manner. In addition, Spin Doctor should -definitely- be available for the iPad, too. It would be great to have bigger puzzles on such a large screen. Aesthetic criticisms aside, if you really want to test and build your brain skillz, I strongly suggest tapping into Spin Doctor because its a classic and itll keep those cogs in your mind spinning when youve got some downtime. Seriously, good for you, Revolutionary Apps LLC, for dusting off this oldie but goodie and bringing in into the light of today. Thanks!